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The Best Soccer Movies For Kids | TeamPlayr

Allen Hamilton
1 minute

I was thinking the other day ... it seems like it's been a long time since a really awesome soccer movie for kids came out.

Which got me thinking even more ... most of our soccer youth today, probably hasn't even seen the BIG GREEN!

To help save their young soccer souls, I have dutifully produced the "officially unofficial" list of the greatest kids soccer movies of all time.

Parents, please share with any children born after the year 2000.

"The Big Green" (1995)

A comedy about a group of misfit kids in Texas who form a soccer team with the help of their new coach.

I mean... Big Green might just be the greatest underdog story of all time. Please, parents ... if your soccer player hasn't seen it, please help them.

"Kicking & Screaming" (2005)

A family comedy about a father who coaches his son's soccer team and learns valuable lessons about teamwork and sportsmanship.

Will Ferrell is hilarious as usual, and his characterization of a youth soccer coach is strikingly accurate.

"Bend It Like Beckham" (2002)

A coming-of-age story about a young girl who defies her traditional parents to pursue her dream of playing soccer.

After "Bend it Like Beckham" came out, my friends and I spent the next 4 weeks trying bend shots around all kinds of stuff... and honestly, think this movie might be responsible for helping me to develop my ability to strike the soccer ball.

"The Game of Their Lives" (2005)

A drama based on the true story of the U.S. soccer team that defeated England in the 1950 World Cup.

To be honest, I haven't seen this one, but when I asked my friends they said it should be on the list.

The Mighty Ducks" (1992)

A classic family film about a ragtag group of kids who come together to form a successful hockey team.

Ok, I know it's hockey ... but still. Another one of the great underdog stories. If your kid hasn't seen Charlie Conway and Coach Bombay take on the Hawks, you're really missing out.

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Allen Hamilton
Raised in Grapevine, Allen has been a member of the Texas soccer community for nearly 25 years. Since his playing days ended a decade ago, he's held roles both as a coach and club administrator helping to provide wonderful soccer experiences for the next generation of players and their families.
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The Best Soccer Movies For Kids | TeamPlayr

I was thinking the other day ... it seems like it's been a long time since a really awesome soccer movie for kids came out.

Which got me thinking even more ... most of our soccer youth today, probably hasn't even seen the BIG GREEN!

To help save their young soccer souls, I have dutifully produced the "officially unofficial" list of the greatest kids soccer movies of all time.

Parents, please share with any children born after the year 2000.

"The Big Green" (1995)

A comedy about a group of misfit kids in Texas who form a soccer team with the help of their new coach.

I mean... Big Green might just be the greatest underdog story of all time. Please, parents ... if your soccer player hasn't seen it, please help them.

"Kicking & Screaming" (2005)

A family comedy about a father who coaches his son's soccer team and learns valuable lessons about teamwork and sportsmanship.

Will Ferrell is hilarious as usual, and his characterization of a youth soccer coach is strikingly accurate.

"Bend It Like Beckham" (2002)

A coming-of-age story about a young girl who defies her traditional parents to pursue her dream of playing soccer.

After "Bend it Like Beckham" came out, my friends and I spent the next 4 weeks trying bend shots around all kinds of stuff... and honestly, think this movie might be responsible for helping me to develop my ability to strike the soccer ball.

"The Game of Their Lives" (2005)

A drama based on the true story of the U.S. soccer team that defeated England in the 1950 World Cup.

To be honest, I haven't seen this one, but when I asked my friends they said it should be on the list.

The Mighty Ducks" (1992)

A classic family film about a ragtag group of kids who come together to form a successful hockey team.

Ok, I know it's hockey ... but still. Another one of the great underdog stories. If your kid hasn't seen Charlie Conway and Coach Bombay take on the Hawks, you're really missing out.

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Allen Hamilton
Raised in Grapevine, Allen has been a member of the Texas soccer community for nearly 25 years. Since his playing days ended a decade ago, he's held roles both as a coach and club administrator helping to provide wonderful soccer experiences for the next generation of players and their families.
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