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TEAMPLAYR SPOTLIGHT: Brad Namdar, Denton Diablos

Allen Hamilton
30 minutes

In our latest TeamPlayr Spotlight we sat down with Brand Namdar, General Manager and Technical Director of the Denton Diablos.

Watch the interview below to learn about Brad's journey navigating North Texas youth soccer, working his away up the coaching ranks, to ultimately leading one of North Texas' leading semi-professional soccer organizations.

Subscribe to the TeamPlayr newsletter to stay up to date with the latest Denton Diablos news, or head over to their website at

Allen Hamilton
Raised in Grapevine, Allen has been a member of the Texas soccer community for nearly 25 years. Since his playing days ended a decade ago, he's held roles both as a coach and club administrator helping to provide wonderful soccer experiences for the next generation of players and their families.
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TEAMPLAYR SPOTLIGHT: Brad Namdar, Denton Diablos

In our latest TeamPlayr Spotlight we sat down with Brand Namdar, General Manager and Technical Director of the Denton Diablos.

Watch the interview below to learn about Brad's journey navigating North Texas youth soccer, working his away up the coaching ranks, to ultimately leading one of North Texas' leading semi-professional soccer organizations.

Subscribe to the TeamPlayr newsletter to stay up to date with the latest Denton Diablos news, or head over to their website at

Allen Hamilton
Raised in Grapevine, Allen has been a member of the Texas soccer community for nearly 25 years. Since his playing days ended a decade ago, he's held roles both as a coach and club administrator helping to provide wonderful soccer experiences for the next generation of players and their families.
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