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Talent Recruitment: How to Retain Top Little Athletes for Your Team

Allen Hamilton


A youth team is similar to a garden where all the players are different plants. Each plant has its own beauty and charm that add to the overall look and functioning of the garden. And when we take the time and effort to cultivate them as they should be, we not only end up with a beautiful garden but also have the groundwork for planting more seeds. 

Now, what does the role of retention play here? It is akin to nutrients that feed the garden. Nutrients feed your plants and help them grow. Retaining your players includes taking care of them, providing support and encouragement, and giving them effective strategies that will help them grow. Without proper strategies, players can wilt and ultimately choose to seek better nutrition in a different place. This will not only affect the team but will also disrupt the program. 

So, in this blog, we will talk about why it is so important to keep the talent on the team, how you can identify a truly talented player, and what you (as a coach) can do to keep them on the team. 

The Importance of Keeping The Talent In

There are a lot of reasons as to why it is so important that coaches work to keep talent on their teams. 

  • First, continuity is key. When talented players stick around, they bring with them the experience, skills, and familiarity with team dynamics that are very important for consistent performance. 
  • Second, it helps with team cohesion. When players have been together for an extended period of time, they gain a deeper understanding of each other’s strengths, weaknesses, and playing styles. This, in turn, will help their teamwork and communication. 
  • Lastly, your team experiences sustained success. Talented athletes are like the backbone of a team. They provide the skill and leadership needed to achieve victory consistently. Losing such players can make it a lot harder for the rest of the team to perform and win.  

How Can I Retain Talented Youths?

Now, what can you do to keep a talented youth with a team? There are a lot of factors that influence an athlete's decision to stay in the team, which we will be exploring in detail below:

  • Building A Strong Coaching Team

Coaches are the backbone of any sports team, and this is especially true for youth sports. Their guidance, support, and mentorship can make all the difference in keeping young athletes engaged and motivated. It is especially seen in how they coach youth soccer teams since it shows how they interact with young talents. 

One strategy for recruiting and retaining good coaches is to engage coaches who are not only skilled at the sport but are also passionate about player development and fostering a positive team culture. It is not enough that a coach simply knows how to do well at a sport and it is not enough if a coach just loves to impart their wisdom. The golden standard would be a mix of these two qualities. 

Look for talented coaches who want to prioritize the holistic growth of their athletes, both on and off the field. Coaches who genuinely care about their players are one of the best ways to retain young talent. 

  • Fostering a Positive Team Culture

A positive team attitude is an absolute must to keep not just talented athletes but also athletes in general. It is about creating an environment where every player feels valued, respected, and supported. No one likes to come in and work for a negative manager who constantly nitpicks their work! In the same way, coaches who give players just the right amount of encouragement and attention can do wonders. 

Team culture is seen in three qualities - teamwork, respect, and sportsmanship. All three of them are quite hard to teach, but they are not impossible! Just takes a little bit of effort. 

Encourage teamwork by emphasizing the importance of working together and how all the team players are working towards the same goal. Talk about respect and encourage it by setting clear expectations for behavior and communication. Teaching your players to compete with grace and integrity can show them how sportsmanship works as well. 

Now, it can seem a bit daunting, especially when the team is filled with young members. However, these values are an absolute must for all team players, and it is better for them to learn them at a young age. 

  • Providing Opportunities for Growth and Development

Young athletes are constantly hungry to grow and improve, both individually and as a team. So, give them the ways they need to improve and advance! This will not only keep them interested in the sport, but it will also make them more consistent, as they will constantly want to improve. 

This can be done with the help of individual training sessions that are tailored to each player’s unique needs and goals. Make mentorship programs where experienced players or coaches can give special classes and support younger athletes. Map out clear ways for progression within the team, whether it be moving to a higher-level team or giving them captaincy within their current team. Having incentives is always a good way of making players work harder. 

  • Communicating Effectively with Players and Parents 

As with most of the other issues in life, a lot can be solved with the help of clear and open communication. Keeping players and their parents in the loop about any team expectations, schedules, and any changes or updates. This can be done through regular team meetings, emails, or a dedicated communication platform.

Be transparent in your decisions, especially ones that affect the team, and encourage players to voice their concerns and ideas. In the same way, keep parents informed about their child’s progress, upcoming events, and any issues that may arise. 

By fostering a culture of transparency and accessibility, you can build trust and loyalty among both payers and their parents. 

  • Recognizing and Celebrating Achievements

Everyone likes to be praised and acknowledged for their contributions! Young athletes are no different. Recognising and celebrating the achievements of individual players and the team as a whole is incredibly important for maintaining morale and boosting feelings of pride and belonging. Take the time to acknowledge and praise players for their hard work, improvement, and contributions to the team. This can be through verbal praise, awards, or public recognition - whichever way the player would appreciate it the most. 

Celebrate team successes, such as winning games or championships, with special events or ceremonies that highlight their accomplishments. By showing appreciation and validating their efforts, you not only motivate players to continue performing their best but also strengthen their bond with the team. However, it is important to make sure that all the players in the team gain some form of recognition and no one feels left out or discouraged. 


Retaining a youth soccer player depends, almost entirely, on how the team functions. Hopefully, the points we have mentioned in the blog above will help people find the right way to keep talented players on their teams! The most important factor in keeping talent in the team is investing in the growth of players as well as that of the team. A win for the player is a win for the team as well! 

However, it can be hard to choose the right youth soccer team for your child, especially ones that cover all the points we talked about. Lucky for you, you can head over to TeamPlayr and look at our youth soccer team list! We promise that you will be able to find the perfect fit for your child. Contact us to learn more!

Allen Hamilton
Raised in Grapevine, Allen has been a member of the Texas soccer community for nearly 25 years. Since his playing days ended a decade ago, he's held roles both as a coach and club administrator helping to provide wonderful soccer experiences for the next generation of players and their families.
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