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Soccer Parent Like a Pro: 5 Essential Items for Gameday

Allen Hamilton
1 minute

Cleats, shin guards, water bottle, check.

You even remembered to get both jerseys out of the dryer this time! …and you’re only going to be 5 minutes late!

… I bet you’re feeling pretty good about yourself, huh?

Not so fast, rookie.

If you want to take your soccer parenting game to the next level, you’ve got to take care of yourself as well.

Let’s be honest… the real battle on gameday takes place on the sidelines.

In today’s post we bring you our top 5 essential items that will help you soccer parent like a pro.


1.      Insulated Cup

What’s your player going to do if you’re too parched to scream “BOOT IT” for the full 90 minutes?

YETI, RTIC, some gas station brand … it doesn’t matter. With your favorite insulated cup in hand you’ll keep your favorite beverages hot in the winter and cold in the summer.


2.      Sunscreen

I am nowhere near qualified enough to speak to the medical benefits of wearing sunscreen when outdoors.

However, I am very well qualified to tell you that without it… the Texas sun and 8 hours of spectating soccer games does not make for a pleasant shower that evening.

Bring your sunscreen.


3.      A chair or blanket

You’d think soccer facilities would make it a habit of providing a place for spectators to sit… they don’t.

Unless you’re that guy standing by himself near the corner flag, you don’t want to be forced to choose between standing for hours or sitting in ant infested grass.

Make sure you have a comfy and easily portable chair or blanket so you can rest when you get done pacing the sidelines.


4.      A rain jacket or poncho

They say in Texas, “if you don't like the weather, wait five minutes." Regardless of what the weather man says, a true pro soccer parent always keeps water resistant jacket nearby.

5.      Portable Charger

How are your Facebook friends going to know how awesome your kid is if you have your phone or camera is too dead to take all those photos and videos.

Keep a portable charger in your kit and make sure you never miss out on capturing your players big moment.

If you liked this post and are interested in more like it, click subscribe to keep up with our blog and other TeamPlayr news.

Allen Hamilton
Raised in Grapevine, Allen has been a member of the Texas soccer community for nearly 25 years. Since his playing days ended a decade ago, he's held roles both as a coach and club administrator helping to provide wonderful soccer experiences for the next generation of players and their families.
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Soccer Parent Like a Pro: 5 Essential Items for Gameday

Cleats, shin guards, water bottle, check.

You even remembered to get both jerseys out of the dryer this time! …and you’re only going to be 5 minutes late!

… I bet you’re feeling pretty good about yourself, huh?

Not so fast, rookie.

If you want to take your soccer parenting game to the next level, you’ve got to take care of yourself as well.

Let’s be honest… the real battle on gameday takes place on the sidelines.

In today’s post we bring you our top 5 essential items that will help you soccer parent like a pro.


1.      Insulated Cup

What’s your player going to do if you’re too parched to scream “BOOT IT” for the full 90 minutes?

YETI, RTIC, some gas station brand … it doesn’t matter. With your favorite insulated cup in hand you’ll keep your favorite beverages hot in the winter and cold in the summer.


2.      Sunscreen

I am nowhere near qualified enough to speak to the medical benefits of wearing sunscreen when outdoors.

However, I am very well qualified to tell you that without it… the Texas sun and 8 hours of spectating soccer games does not make for a pleasant shower that evening.

Bring your sunscreen.


3.      A chair or blanket

You’d think soccer facilities would make it a habit of providing a place for spectators to sit… they don’t.

Unless you’re that guy standing by himself near the corner flag, you don’t want to be forced to choose between standing for hours or sitting in ant infested grass.

Make sure you have a comfy and easily portable chair or blanket so you can rest when you get done pacing the sidelines.


4.      A rain jacket or poncho

They say in Texas, “if you don't like the weather, wait five minutes." Regardless of what the weather man says, a true pro soccer parent always keeps water resistant jacket nearby.

5.      Portable Charger

How are your Facebook friends going to know how awesome your kid is if you have your phone or camera is too dead to take all those photos and videos.

Keep a portable charger in your kit and make sure you never miss out on capturing your players big moment.

If you liked this post and are interested in more like it, click subscribe to keep up with our blog and other TeamPlayr news.

Allen Hamilton
Raised in Grapevine, Allen has been a member of the Texas soccer community for nearly 25 years. Since his playing days ended a decade ago, he's held roles both as a coach and club administrator helping to provide wonderful soccer experiences for the next generation of players and their families.
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