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Does your soccer player need a private coach?

Allen Hamilton
3 minutes

As a parent of a young, competitive soccer player, you're likely committed to ensuring your child's success on the field. You spend thousands of dollars, you drive hundreds of miles … just to keep up with your player’s crazy club team schedule. You may be wondering how to best support your child's development and passion for the sport. One question that frequently arises in this context is whether investing in a private coach is the right move for your young athlete. 

I mean, you’re already spending thousands of dollars and driving hundreds of miles just to keep up with the crazy club team schedule. Is adding more soccer really worth it?

In this blog post, we will delve into the advantages and disadvantages of hiring a private coach, providing you with insights to help you make an informed decision tailored to your child's unique needs and circumstances.

The Benefits of a Private Coach

Individualized Attention and Training

One of the main advantages of hiring a private coach is the personalized attention your child will receive. A private coach can assess your child's strengths and weaknesses and create a tailored training program that addresses specific areas of improvement. This individualized approach can lead to faster progress and skill development.

Flexible Scheduling

Private coaches often have more flexible schedules than team practices, allowing you to arrange training sessions that work best for your family's schedule. This can be particularly helpful if your child has other commitments, such as school or extracurricular activities.

Boosted Confidence

As a player, this was a big one for me. During periods when I was consistently working one-on-one with a private coach, I always felt an extra boost of confidence when I got into my team sessions. 

Maybe it was just a “placebo” effect for me -  but nonetheless, some individual coaching can help your child build confidence in their abilities. As they see improvement in their skills, their self-esteem may grow, leading to better performance on the field.

Access to Specialized Expertise

Contrary to what us coaches like to think - we don’t know everything about everything. 

A private coach may have specialized knowledge or experience in a particular area of soccer, such as goalkeeping or dribbling techniques, that your team coach (who may be a great tactician) doesn’t have. If your child needs help with a specific skill or position, a private coach could provide valuable insights and guidance.

The Drawbacks of a Private Coach


Private coaching can be expensive, with some coaches charging upwards of $50-$100 per hour. This can be a significant financial investment, especially if your child is already participating in a competitive soccer club with associated fees.

Overemphasis on Individual Performance

While individual skills are important, soccer is a team sport. Focusing too much on personal achievements may detract from your child's ability to work well with teammates and understand team dynamics.

Potential Burnout

Adding private coaching sessions to an already busy schedule can lead to physical and mental burnout. It's essential to balance soccer commitments with other aspects of your child's life, including academics, social activities, and rest.

Making the Decision

So, does your competitive youth soccer player need a private coach? Ultimately, the answer depends on your child's unique needs, goals, and circumstances. Consider the following factors when making your decision:

Assess your child's current skill level and development. Talk to them about how they feel they are performing. Talk to their coach. If they're already performing well on their team and improving consistently, a private coach may not be necessary.

Determine your financial situation. If the cost of private coaching is prohibitive, explore other resources such as group clinics, camps, or online tutorials.

Talk to your child. Gauge their interest in working with a private coach and discuss the potential benefits and drawbacks. Ensure they understand the commitment involved and the importance of maintaining balance in their life.

Check out these local resources

If you decide to move forward with private coaching, there are a ton of great options in the North Texas area. Here’s a list of a few to get you started: 

Lincoln Football Academy

CSmitty Soccer Training

Sealy Soccer Factory

JM Soccer School

Allen Hamilton
Raised in Grapevine, Allen has been a member of the Texas soccer community for nearly 25 years. Since his playing days ended a decade ago, he's held roles both as a coach and club administrator helping to provide wonderful soccer experiences for the next generation of players and their families.
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